Friday, June 2, 2017

Day 4 !!!

Day 4 Friday June 2  Dan Nature Reserve; Mt. Hermon; Jordan River source; Caesarea Philippi; borders of Lebanon and Syria; Golan Heights, Bethsaida – This morning we traveled north to the territory of Dan. We saw the head waters of the Jordan River and the beautiful clear water coming from the Golan Heights.  Jeroboam a leader of Dan pleaded the peoples cause, always feeling they were owed more.  He erected an altar of a golden calf here.  Through his actions he ultimately caused all tribes of Israel to sin.  This makes us me the question, what as a leader do I do that may make people stray from God?  I must live and walk the Spirit.  From Dan we sat and overlooked the border of Lebanon and discussed the battles that Israel has been in.  We viewed an area that is a buffer 12 miles wide and 65 miles long that separates the two.  A UN facility is housed in this area to monitor the tension.  Walking further into the reserve we got to see the remains of the gate to the City of Dan.  It was amazing. This was the gate that Abraham passed through when he traveled to save his nephew Lot over 4000 years ago.  From Dan we traveled to Caesarea Philippi.  This is where Christ asked Peter, who do you think I am? Peter replied, You are the Christ.  From the Old Testament, this is where Phillip, son of King Herod Agrippa II established the capital in dedication to the Greek God Pan. In this area was also King Herod Agrippas palace ruins.  This was much larger than we ever thought and have many photos of this area. We then traveled to the top of the Golan Heights and viewed Syria from a UN observation area.  We walked through the military bunker used in the border wars and spoke to a Captain from the UN on duty at the Post.  At our last stop we made it to Bethsaida.  5 of the disciples came from this small fishing village.  Peter, Andrew, James, John and Phillip.  The street that enters the old city is the original stones which Jesus walked and we were able to walk on them as well.  We sat on an overlook here and viewed the two mountain slopes, one on the West and one on the East.  Each of these is where Jesus fed the 4000 and 5000.  Some of this is so hard to soak in until you set back and reflect on the day.  It has all been incredible.

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