Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 12 – We’re Home!

So we got home and are just processing all that we have seen and experienced.  We were up around 30 hours on our travel home and caught a few winks before going to FBC to see all our friends.  God stirred in our hearts as in Davids message he spoke of the Church where 3000 repented and were baptized.  Tam and I knew, only a day prior we had stood at the baptismal where this actually took place.  We already have discussed how amazing it will be to return.

We logged over 60 miles and over 121,000 steps.  This also comes with an asterisk as sometimes we were in tunnels or without our technology to measure our travels!  Most of all we hope that something has stirred in your heart.  Whether you follow Christ each day, know of him in your heart or question his existence, we hope there is one thing in our journey that may inspire you to increase your relationship with our Savior.  We absolutely give God all the glory for the blessings he has provided to us and sharing this journey was a gift.

Here are only a few of the photos we have of new friendships we made on this trip.  We share a special bond now with them as well as with you.  We are going to keep this blog up for a while as we know we will add a few more notes as we go through the 1400+ photos and our journals that we kept along the way.  We hope you have enjoyed this as much as we did making it.  God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Brownfields! I'm really enjoying your pictures and faith journey!
